Discipline At Examination Hall

Guidelines/Instructions to the Students :



Students should carry identity card for sessional exam and Hall ticket & Identity Card for end examinations.


There is no grace period for entering into the exam hall after the commencement of exam both for End examinations and the Sessional examinations. A short caution bell 5 minutes before the commencement of exam will be given and after a long bell at the scheduled commencement of exam no candidate will be allowed to enter into the exam hall.


Students should fill in all the particulars on the main answer books. Students are required to write their permanent registered number in the space provided on the main answer sheet and in the space provided on the question paper only and nowhere else.


No additional answer books shall be supplied during sessional/end exams. For sessional a 12 page answer book and for end exams 32 page answer book will only be issued.


In the attendance and answer book distribution sheet, the candidate has to mention the serial number of the answer book issued to him and affix his signature.


Students are strictly prohibited from writing their registered number on the drawing sheet, failing which their answer sheet shall not be valued.


Carrying mobile phones during examinations is strictly prohibited. Any mobile phone found in possession of the student will be confiscated and also a malpractice case will be booked.


Any malpractice noticed in the exam halls will be viewed seriously. The performance of the students will be cancelled and they will be awarded zero marks in all the subjects. Students are strongly advised not to resort to malpractice in their own interest.


Students should not move in the corridors of the examination halls before the commencement and after completion of exam.


Students are required to go through the instructions on the main answer book.


However, the student will be allowed to enter into the exam hall 15 minutes before the commencement of exam.